Rolling Hill Farm
Rolling Hill Farm
Welcome To The Farm
Welcome To The Farm
Rolling Hill Farm is finally getting to see a lifelong dream come true. Our own patch of green where our animals can run free and we can get back to what we love; working the land with horse and plough instead of gas and tractor. We produce in-season vegetables and fruit for farm pick-up. We also breed Berkshire pigs and Icelandic sheep. We are a grass-roots initiative based on the highest ideals of the organic movement.

We run Rolling Hill as a mixed farm, growing plants and animals. From an orchard to vines, from herb garden to vegetable plots, we have a range of delectable food to keep your diet on its toes. Contact us for what's in season.
We have a flock of Icelandic sheep, famous for their wool. At Rolling Hill Farm, we are working to improve the quality of the bloodlines of Nova Scotia's Icelandic sheep. We have imported bloodlines from Le Biscornu in Quebec and will be aiming to have strong, healthy sheep with excellent fleeces, good lambing qualities and beautifully tender meat.
Our horses are our tractors and our joy. We breed a limited number of Norwegian Fjords, a multi-purpose breed that is a pleasure to work with.
The chickens are primarily Rhode Island Reds, with a few multi-coloured oddballs thrown in for variety. We keep the chickens almost exclusively for their eggs.
Last, but never least, we have Great Pyrenees livestock guardian dogs, who keep an eye on all of the livestock.
We have delivery available to Digby, Annapolis Royal, Bridgewater and surrounding areas, as well as pick-up at our farm.

Why Us?
Have you ever eaten food that has never been touched by a tractor? How much of your food has never seen an ounce of chemical fertiliser or food processing chemicals?
At Rolling Hill we really get back to basics.
Your dinner, straight from the farmer, grown in the most environmentally friendly way possible.
When we say horse power, we mean it. There are no tractors here at Rolling Hill, only horses.